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Contains functions for changing input bindings.


This module can only be used in Entity scripts.


bind(target, keyCode, callback, inputMode)

Binds a function to a key.


  • target Either the target Player, client ID of the target player, or Players.All to target all players.
  • keyCode The Key to bind.
  • callback The function to bind. (It runs for a maximum of 1 second.).
  • inputMode The InputMode which determines when the function is going to be called (optional).


Bind the function "test" to "T" when the player enters the entity.

function test()
Hud.console.write('hello SuperCoder')

function onPlayerEnter(player)
Input.bind(player.clientId, Key.T, test)

unbind(target, keyCode, inputMode)

Unbinds all the functions previously bound to a key.


  • target Either the target Player, client ID of the target player, or Players.All to target all players.
  • keyCode The Key to unbind.
  • inputMode The InputMode to unbind (optional).


Unbind all the functions bound to "T" when the player exits the entity.

function onPlayerExit(player)
Input.unbind(player.clientId, Key.T)

setPlayerActionBinding(target, keyCode, playerAction)

Sets a key to a player action. This will override the current key set to that specific PlayerAction.


  • target Either the target Player, client ID of the target player, or Players.All to target all players.
  • keyCode The Key to bind to the player action.
  • playerAction The PlayerAction to set.


Set the player action "Jump" to work with "V" when the player enters an entity.

function onPlayerEnter(player)
Input.setPlayerActionBinding(player.clientId, Key.V, PlayerAction.Jump)

setPreset(target, inputPreset)

Sets the current input preset, which will override all the current player actions with the new InputPreset (You can visualize and modify all the presets in the editor).


  • target Either the target Player, client ID of the target player, or Players.All to target all players.
  • inputPreset The Key to bind to the player action.


Set the input preset to "TwoDimensions" when the player enters an entity.

function onPlayerEnter(player)
Input.setPreset(player.clientId, InputPreset.TwoDimensions)

setMoveWithArrowsEnabled(target, isEnabled)

Set Arrow Keys for movement. Control your character's movement with the arrow keys.


  • target Either the target Player, client ID of the target player, or Players.All to target all players.
  • isEnabled Define if a player can move with the arrow keys.


Disable movement with arrow keys when the player enters an entity.

function onPlayerEnter(player)
Input.setMoveWithArrowsEnabled(player.clientId, false)



  • None value = 0
  • Space value = 1
  • Enter value = 2
  • Tab value = 3
  • Backquote value = 4
  • Quote value = 5
  • Semicolon value = 6
  • Comma value = 7
  • Period value = 8
  • Slash value = 9
  • Backslash value = 10
  • LeftBracket value = 11
  • RightBracket value = 12
  • Minus value = 13
  • Equals value = 14
  • A value = 15
  • B value = 16
  • C value = 17
  • D value = 18
  • E value = 19
  • F value = 20
  • G value = 21
  • H value = 22
  • I value = 23
  • J value = 24
  • K value = 25
  • L value = 26
  • M value = 27
  • N value = 28
  • O value = 29
  • P value = 30
  • Q value = 31
  • R value = 32
  • S value = 33
  • T value = 34
  • U value = 35
  • V value = 36
  • W value = 37
  • X value = 38
  • Y value = 39
  • Z value = 40
  • Digit1 value = 41
  • Digit2 value = 42
  • Digit3 value = 43
  • Digit4 value = 44
  • Digit5 value = 45
  • Digit6 value = 46
  • Digit7 value = 47
  • Digit8 value = 48
  • Digit9 value = 49
  • Digit0 value = 50
  • LeftShift value = 51
  • RightShift value = 52
  • LeftAlt value = 53
  • AltGr value = 54
  • AltGr value = 54
  • LeftCtrl value = 55
  • RightCtrl value = 56
  • LeftWindows value = 57
  • LeftWindows value = 57
  • LeftWindows value = 57
  • LeftWindows value = 57
  • RightCommand value = 58
  • RightCommand value = 58
  • RightCommand value = 58
  • RightCommand value = 58
  • ContextMenu value = 59
  • Escape value = 60
  • LeftArrow value = 61
  • RightArrow value = 62
  • UpArrow value = 63
  • DownArrow value = 64
  • Backspace value = 65
  • PageDown value = 66
  • PageUp value = 67
  • Home value = 68
  • End value = 69
  • Insert value = 70
  • Delete value = 71
  • CapsLock value = 72
  • NumLock value = 73
  • PrintScreen value = 74
  • ScrollLock value = 75
  • Pause value = 76
  • NumpadEnter value = 77
  • NumpadDivide value = 78
  • NumpadMultiply value = 79
  • NumpadPlus value = 80
  • NumpadMinus value = 81
  • NumpadPeriod value = 82
  • NumpadEquals value = 83
  • Numpad0 value = 84
  • Numpad1 value = 85
  • Numpad2 value = 86
  • Numpad3 value = 87
  • Numpad4 value = 88
  • Numpad5 value = 89
  • Numpad6 value = 90
  • Numpad7 value = 91
  • Numpad8 value = 92
  • Numpad9 value = 93
  • F1 value = 94
  • F2 value = 95
  • F3 value = 96
  • F4 value = 97
  • F5 value = 98
  • F6 value = 99
  • F7 value = 100
  • F8 value = 101
  • F9 value = 102
  • F10 value = 103
  • F11 value = 104
  • F12 value = 105
  • OEM1 value = 106
  • OEM2 value = 107
  • OEM3 value = 108
  • OEM4 value = 109
  • OEM5 value = 110
  • IMESelected value = 111


  • KeyDown value = 0
  • KeyUp value = 1


  • MoveForward value = 0
  • MoveBackward value = 1
  • MoveRight value = 2
  • MoveLeft value = 3
  • Jump value = 4
  • Dash value = 5
  • Interact value = 6
  • Mount value = 7
  • Block value = 8
  • LockOnTarget value = 9
  • SwitchTarget value = 10


  • Default value = 0
  • Platformer2D value = 1
  • Slot1 value = 2
  • Slot2 value = 3
  • Slot3 value = 4